Title: Fiddler Crossing sign Post by: rick on April 07, 2010, 03:06:08 PM Many have already seen the “Fiddler Crossing” signs that have been created to show our support for Máiréad. They have become very popular and are on signs, clothes, jackets and recently one was made into a kite. Even Máiréad has her own jacket with the sign. When we gave it to her, Chloë took it and started to wear it. So now all five girls have their own jacket.
I included a link for those who want to make their own sign to take to a show. Or you can have it put on a shirt or anything you want. Those who plan to see the show in Australia, make sure to take a “fiddler crossing” sign to show support for Máiréad. She loves to see these in the audience and it is a great way to bring a smile your way. These signs are popular in the states and to take this to Australia, how great that will be. Save the image and print one out. http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/reshears/Mairead/1.jpg Title: Re Post by: Larry on April 07, 2010, 05:25:22 PM Interesting sign rick, can't say I've seen to many but sent the link to a couple of friends that live just outside of Sidney. Maybe they'll make one of the shows and can use it.
Title: Re: Fiddler Crossing sign Post by: rick on April 07, 2010, 07:10:18 PM Check out my blog, scroll down a little and you will see some of us with it on our jackets. Last fall Máiréad signed my jacket so I now put it away. Have to order me a new one to wear.
http://www.rick60.blogspot.com/ Title: Re: Fiddler Crossing sign Post by: lisakellylover on April 18, 2010, 05:33:52 AM thanks rick!!