
Celtic Woman => Celtic Woman The Group And Their Tour => Topic started by: Don on May 09, 2009, 04:54:53 AM

Title: Celtic Lasses Conquering Universe!
Post by: Don on May 09, 2009, 04:54:53 AM
Since Celtic Woman cruised over from Ireland four years ago, the "international Irish music phenomenon" has steamrolled America - elegantly, of course - winning over fans. If you haven't seen the vocal group on PBS, your TV must be on the fritz. Three specials have aired more than 13,658 times on 685 PBS affilates, covering 97 percent of households. Can you say "oversaturation"? No, you can't. Because people are still buying tickets. Celtic Woman just launched a new tour, "Isle of Hope," giving seasoned fans a reason to keep on coming.

Michael Deeds
The Idaho Statesman
Boise, ID
Published: 05/08/09

Title: Re: Celtic Lasses Conquering Universe!
Post by: Jim M. on September 23, 2009, 07:29:04 PM
"The Universe", huh?  Nothing wrong with that!